Cosmetics Closet

We are working with a variety of corporate and nonprofit partners to bring basic personal care and hygiene items to residents of Natrona, and specifically items that are not covered by SNAP. This includes oral care, soap and shampoo, female hygiene items, toilet paper and tissue, among other items. Items provided each month depend on donations and available resources. We will give out whatever is available.

The program has been generously supported through a variety of corporate grants and donations.

Who can attend: Anyone! You can live in any community and in any county. No paperwork is required or proof of eligibility. Just bring a bag!

What do you get: Typically, we provide 1-2 grocery bags of fresh produce (vegetables and fruits) and 1-2 personal hygiene products (deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, etc.) per individual.

Where: 28 Garfield Street, Natrona Heights, PA 15065 (held inside the Knights of Columbus hall) - see the map below.

When: Held on the third Saturday of every month (same time as Veggies for All). Doors open at 1 pm sharp and we stay open the items are gone (this often happens within a half hour).

Cosmetics Closet Schedule